What is the world's tallest tree?
The largest coastal redwoods tower more than 350 feet above the ground.
Ancient Chinese woman faced brutal 'yue' punishment, had...
Archaeologists think the missing foot of a woman buried in China almost 3,000 years ago was amputated as a criminal punishment, according...
Triops: Facts about the three-eyed 'dinosaur shrimp'
Triops, commonly called tadpole shrimp or dinosaur shrimp, belong to an ancient group of freshwater crustaceans and live in temporary...
What is dietary fat?
Everything you need to know about dietary fat and why including it in your diet is important for good health
Kayakers find 8,000-year-old human skull in Minnesota
A pair of kayakers discovered a skull fragment near the Minnesota River. Authorities were shocked to learn that the bone was 8,000...
14 healthy snack ideas to keep you feeling full
Try these healthy snack ideas to boost your energy levels whilst keeping your nutrition in check
What is visible light?
Visible light is a type of electromagnetic radiation between the infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, and it can be detected by cells...
Why do parrots live so long?
Scientists may have untangled the mystery as to why parrots have such long lifespans.