Farmer unearths ancient statue of serpent-crowned goddess...
The statue of Anat, the goddess of love and war, was discovered by a farmer in his field and dates back to 2500 B.C.
Why is water important?
We're often told that we need to drink more water, but exactly why is water important?
Ultraprecise atomic optical clocks may redefine the length...
The length of a second hasn't been updated in 70 years, but ultraprecise atomic optical clocks are on track to change that.
Mars helicopter photographs wreckage of its own landing...
The Mars helicopter Ingenuity has snapped eerily desolate photographs of the spent parachute and backshell that conveyed it to the...
Emperor Nero: Facts & biography
Nero is one of the most infamous of Rome's emperors, known for his cruelty and narcissism, but he may not be the complete tyrant history...
Fireball 10 times brighter than the moon streaks over Mississippi,...
It struck with the force of 3 tons of TNT.
What is fiber?
Fiber is vital for healthy digestion. Here’s how it works – and what to do if you’re not getting enough
Who were the Picts, the early inhabitants of Scotland?
The Picts were a people of Celtic origin who lived in parts of Scotland from about the fourth century A.D. to the early Middle Ages.