Swiftie scientist names millipede species after Taylor...
A newfound millipede species from the Appalachian Mountains was named after the famous singer by the scientist who described the arthropod...
CERN: Organization, experiments and facts
Facts about the organization that built the atom smasher.
What causes chapped lips?
Find yourself constantly reaching for the lip balm? You may be wondering, what causes chapped lips?
How to drink more water
Feeling fatigued, having headaches, or difficulty concentrating? Find out how to drink more water
What happened to the lost Pirate Republic?
Inside All About History 116: Discover how a band of outlaws tried to build a nation in paradise.
Large Hadron Collider is waking up after a 3-year nap,...
After a three-year nap, the world's largest atom smasher is waking up and getting ready to smash atoms harder than ever.
Oral-B Kids electric toothbrush review
The Oral-B Kids electric toothbrush is a customizable toothbrush for Disney fans that offers great oral hygiene
Cluster of hepatitis cases in US children may be tied to...
The CDC alerted doctors to be on the lookout for more cases.