Massive meteorite impact created the hottest mantle rock...
It's confirmed: The hottest rock ever discovered in Earth's crust really was super-hot.
Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa really falling over?
Architects have been trying to fix the Leaning Tower of Pisa for hundreds of years. So, will it ever fall over?
How long do cold symptoms last?
It’s a common question: how long do cold symptoms last? But first it helps to know if it’s a cold, the flu or a viral infection
Best running headphones 2022: Step up your workout
Whether you’re new to running or the veteran of many marathons, the best running headphones can be key to keeping your training on...
Best running watches 2022: Upgrade your workouts
If you’re getting serious about your fitness, then the best running watches are a key tool to tracking how hard you’re working out,...
Stunning aurora glow above Iceland after 'dead' sunspot...
A sunspot that "awoke from the dead" last week triggered stunning aurora above Iceland.
Do humidifiers help with dry skin?
How do humidifiers help with dry skin? And are they a good solution for keeping your skin healthy? We ask the experts
Skin cells made 30 years younger with new 'rejuvenation'...
The researchers used a new method to turn back the biological clock on skin cells by three decades.