Metal detectorist finds medieval gold brooch with supernatural...
A medieval gold brooch unearthed in England contains religious and magical inscriptions in Latin and Hebrew.
What is Faraday's law of induction?
Faraday’s law of induction describes how an electric current produces a magnetic field and, conversely, how a changing magnetic field...
Skull of 'armless' meat-eating dinosaur discovered
Researchers in Argentina have found the skull of a previously unknown abelisaurid dinosaur.
Is teeth whitening safe?
The pros and cons of teeth whitening
Mount Etna is erupting and astronauts are watching it from...
The Sicilian volcano is 'smoking' and 'spitting lava,' one astronaut reports.
Brown recluse spiders: Facts, bites & symptoms
Here's what to know about brown recluse spiders and how to avoid getting bitten by them.
A third person has been cured of HIV, scientists report
She received stem cells from umbilical cord blood.
A newborn died of Lassa fever in the UK, two other family...
Three cases of Lassa fever were recently confirmed in the U.K., for the first time since 2009. One of the patients — a newborn — has...