Sun bear: The little carnivores that look so similar to...
Sun bears often stand upright like humans, and mothers even walk around cradling their babies in their arms.
Will we ever reach Alpha Centauri, our closest neighboring...
Visiting our nearest stellar neighbor will take near-light-speed travel.
Tonga eruption entombed deep-sea life in ash
When Hunga erupted in 2022, ash "decimated" slow-moving species living on the seafloor. More mobile species were able to hoof it out...
An undersea eruption rocked the Aegean 520,000 years ago
Scientists discovered an unknown volcanic eruption that rocked the seafloor in the Aegean more than 500,000 years ago.
12,500-year-old rock art 'canvas' in the Amazon reveals...
Thousands of ochre rock drawings, including images of humans and animals morphing into one another, offer a striking glimpse at early...
'It gave me goosebumps': Most powerful gamma ray burst...
Scientists have found a mysterious signal in the brightest gamma ray burst ever detected, and now they know what caused it.
12 game-changing moments in the history of AI
From Alan Turing's seminal paper to the advent of ChatGPT, here are 12 pivotal moments in the history of artificial intelligence.
These bacteria trigger a sex change in wasps — scientists...
Scientists have uncovered how bacteria borrowed a gene from an insect to create female-only parasitic wasp populations, eliminating...