Half-a-billion-year-old 'marine Roomba' is earliest known...
A backward question mark shape on the creature's back reveals early animal evolutionary history.
James Webb telescope discovers 'inside out galaxy' near...
A bright spiral galaxy appears on a background of thousands of other distant galaxies
Listen to haunting sounds of Earth's magnetic field flipping...
A new video shows how Earth's magnetic field weakened and warped before temporarily flipping during a recent "polar reversal event."
At-home brain stimulation could be promising depression...
A new trial suggests that at-home brain stimulation could potentially be a first-line treatment for depression. However, some experts...
Mask of Agamemnon: A gold death mask once thought to be...
The archaeologist who discovered the mask believed it showed the Trojan War was real.
Which are rarer: diamonds or emeralds?
The rarity of precious gemstones comes down to the geologic process of their formation.
'I'd never seen such an audacious attack on anonymity before':...
"Concerns about facial recognition had been building for decades. And now the nebulous bogeyman had finally found its form: a small...
'The waters become corrupt, the air infected': How the...
Here's what the ancient Greeks and Romans can teach us about the environment and ourselves. From Roman soldiers in crowded camps to...