Russian cosmonaut returns to Earth after completing record-breaking...
60-year-old Oleg Kononenko has safely returned to Earth following a record-breaking year-long stint onboard the International Space...
Watch extremely rare footage of a bigfin squid 'walking'...
While exploring the Tonga Trench in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, researchers captured extremely rare footage of a Magnapinna squid...
'We have changed the view of our galaxy forever': Astronomers...
Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory have released the largest infrared map of the Milky Way ever. The enormous dataset...
'The secret to living to 110 was, don't register your death':...
Saul Newman’s research suggests that we’re completely mistaken about how long humans live for.
New self-swab HPV test is an alternative to Pap smears....
There's a new way to screen for high-risk HPV, a viral infection that can lead to cervical cancer. This alternative method of collecting...
Experts predicted way more hurricanes this year — here's...
Here's one reason why the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season has had such few storms.
Nuking an asteroid could save Earth from destruction, researchers...
A powerful burst of X-rays from a nuclear explosion could be used to stop Armageddon just in the nick of time, a new experiment suggests.
Pollen allergies drove woolly mammoths to extinction, study...
A boom in vegetation at the end of the last ice age may have created so much pollen, it blocked mammoths' sense of smell. A new study...