ApertureData is building a database focused on images with...
When Vishakha Gupta and her co-founder Luis Remis were working together at Intel Labs in 2016, they were charged with figuring out...
300-year-old Arctic sponges feast on the corpses of their...
Sponges that are hundreds of years old live and thrive atop layers of dead animals in the Arctic Ocean. They survive in the low-nutrient...
Empirical evidence: A definition
Empirical evidence is information that is acquired by observation or experimentation and is used to prove or disprove a hypothesis.
Amerigo Vespucci: Italian explorer who named America
Amerigo Vespucci was a 16th century explorer, after whom the American continents are named.
The Oscars: Where to stream the movies nominated for Best...
From Nightmare Alley on Hulu to Don't Look Up on Netflix, here are the titles now available on your streaming services (and some you...
Google account hacks drop 50% for 150 million who got 2-factor...
With two-factor authentication, hackers can't get far even if they've stolen your password. Ultimately, Google wants to move entirely...