Cantor's giant softshell turtle: The frog-faced predator...
These leathery turtles spend most of their lives buried motionless in river mud, but burst into action to catch their unsuspecting...
Neuroscientists taught rats to drive tiny cars. They took...
Scientists taught rats to drive to a certain destination, but the rodents took a detour, suggesting they enjoy both the journey and...
Large language models not fit for real-world use, scientists...
Large language model AIs might seem smart on a surface level but they struggle to actually understand the real world and model it...
Unleash All the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Your...
Apple cider vinegar can be used for various purposes, including improving your health.
3 Reasons I Switched to an Electric Chainsaw for Cutting...
Battery-powered chainsaws make quick work of cutting down trees and, in many ways, better than gas-powered models.
Want to Lock Your Social Security Number After a Data Breach?...
Locking your Social Security number may stymie identity thieves' malicious efforts.
AI and Robots That Do Your Laundry and Dishes? Dream On,...
There's what we want technology to do, and then what it actually can do. Don't put off your household chores while you wait.
The Basic iPad Is My Preferred Home and Travel Tech. Here's...
My family and I always seem to gravitate toward the 10th-generation iPad over every other type of screen in our home.