Racetrack Playa: The home of Death Valley's mysterious...
In Racetrack Playa, a dry lakebed in Death Valley National Park, meteorological conditions can push rocks weighing up to 700 pounds...
Rare 'doomsday fish' said to bring earthquakes spotted...
Beachgoers found a rare oarfish off California two days before an earthquake, mirroring folklore that says the deep-sea creatures...
Chlamydia may hide in the gut and cause repeated infections
A mini model of the human intestines suggests that chlamydia bacteria can colonize the gut, potentially contributing to recurrent...
'A single magma ocean' once covered the moon, data from...
The moon was once engulfed by a massive magma ocean, analysis of geological samples collected by India's Chandrayaan-3 mission suggests.
This transparent sea creature can age in reverse
The sea walnut, a type of comb jelly that has become invasive in parts of Europe and Asia, can transform from a sexually mature adult...
Some black holes have a 'heartbeat' — and astronomers may...
A tiny fraction of known black holes emit X-ray signals that resemble a human "heartbeat." Now, new research may finally explain the...
The brain stores at least 3 copies of every memory
A new study in mice suggests that the brain creates multiple copies of memories, which enables it to regulate how they change over...
HowTheLightGetsIn x Live Science
HowTheLightGetsIn is the world’s largest ideas and music festival, taking place from 21-22 September at Kenwood House, London. To...