See the moment the blue supermoon 'gobbled up' Saturn in...
Overnight on Aug. 20-21, the full 'Sturgeon Supermoon' briefly occulted, or passed in front of, Saturn, snuffing the ringed planet's...
Single-shot HIV treatment suppresses virus 10,000-fold...
Engineered virus-like particles can outcompete HIV in the body, potentially offering long-term viral suppression after a single dose,...
Boy finds Roman-era gold military bracelet while walking...
The newfound bracelet was likely awarded for a feat of valor carried out during Rome's conquest of Britain.
Watch a star get destroyed by a supermassive black hole...
Stars that wander too close to supermassive black holes may be violently undone in a process called "spaghettification." New simulations...
Heaviest antimatter particle ever discovered could hold...
The newly found antiparticle, called antihyperhydrogen-4, could have a potential imbalance with its matter counterpart that may help...
World's fastest microscope can see electrons moving
Scientists have created the world's fastest microscope, which they hope will answer fundamental questions about how electrons behave.
1,000-year-old remains of 'elite woman' in silk cloak found...
The burial site was hidden inside an abandoned fortress in Mongolia and contained the remains of a prestigious woman.
Astronomers find black hole's favorite snack: 'The star...
Astronomers have pinned down a faraway black hole's snack schedule after watching it devour a star across years.